How does Gateway provide care?

None of us are immune to pain and difficulty. Fortunately, we don’t have to deal with it alone. Whatever your circumstances, heartache, and burdens, we’re here to help by offering comfort, support, prayer and guidance on your journey.

We pray.

How can we pray for you?

At Gateway Franklin, we believe that prayer is a gateway to God.  We integrate prayer into the life of our church in a natural way.  Our Groups are encouraged to pray for each other on a regular basis and our staff prays for individual needs and the congregation on a weekly basis.  We also have a prayer group and a prayer chain to pray for specific congregational needs.  If you are a member or regular attender of Gateway and you and/or your family are in need of prayer, please fill out this form.  


Prayer Group 

The Gateway Prayer Group meets at 7pm on the first and third Tuesday of every month to pray for the needs of Gateway and our community.  

Prayer Chain

The Gateway Prayer Chain prays for critical, time-sensitive requests.  If a critical need comes up and you desire prayer, you can submit the request on this form or text the request directly to Georgetta Stambaugh at 770-823-1797.  Prayer will start immediately and requests are held confidential.  By the way, we love to close the loop with praise reports!


We care.

How can we care for you?

Congregational Care at Gateway Franklin is about meeting you at your point of personal need. One of Gateway Franklin’s highest values is for everyone to feel known and loved. We prioritize having others to pray with you and walk beside you during times of crisis. We offer a variety of groups, serve teams, and elder care to support and encourage you in that journey. If you are a member or regular attender of Gateway and you and/or your family are in need of care, please fill out the form above.

  • Groups

    Care happens through relationships. That’s why it’s important to have a community where you belong and can both receive care and offer care. Don’t miss out on getting to know others and letting others get to know you. God will use that community to grow you, care for you, and to bless you. Join a group today!

  • Care Teams

    Care often happens through serving along side a tight knit team. One of our serve teams is our Care Team. Our Care Team serves and ministers to people in times of illness, crisis, family emergency, or physical need. If you are interested, join a Care Team today!

  • Elders

    This team of men personally care for our church family through hospital visits, phone calls, prayer and other pastoral responsibilities as needed during times of illness, crisis, emergency, or adjustment. They are available to pray for the congregation of Gateway at the altar during and after worship services. The team can be easily identified by the lanyards they will be wearing labeled ‘Elder.’

  • Gateway Outreach

    Men of Acts Outreach Group

    If you are a widow, single or disabled individual in our church or local community and are in need of handyman-type assistance in your home our Men of Acts may be able to assist you. Please contact Derrick Fleming for more information at